L&R Consultancy Experience

C LTA Tennis EastbourneL&R International Management Development Limited grew out of L&R Leisure plc, a leading leisure & tourism consultancy started in 1970 by Michael Ryan and Fergus Hobbs. L&R International was founded in 1995 and led by Gerry Carver and Senior Consultant, Joanne Smith-Wood, and support from a number of key associates and latterly research by Liam Goodley.

L&R International gained a wealth of experience from a host of sports, leisure, tourism and heritage commissions across the UK and Europe over a period of 20 years. Few industries need to be more sensitively attuned to changes in the business environment – and our lives generally – than sport, leisure, heritage, hospitality and tourism. In the current and ongoing economic climate, the triangle of public, voluntary and commercial partnerships will play an increasingly important role in meeting future public sector priorities in supporting the tourism industries, the visitor economy and community leisure needs and demands. Leading and managing with vision and skill in these leisure sectors is not an option – it is a necessity that L&R International supported throughout those years. Sound management, service and business principles underpinned all L&R’s work. This website illustrates the scope and intensity of projects undertaken over the years.

The twisted remains of the Medway St. Bridge, Avon CorridorL&R New Zealand was established in 2008 by Jackie Fanning as part of L&R International and operated until 2013. It provided a valuable recreation research and advisory service, especially in the wake of the Christchurch earthquake. Jackie had previously worked as a consultant for L&R in the UK for 18 months.

From 2011 to 2016 Gerry provided a selective advisory service to those leisure sectors, on a pro-bono basis. He continues as founder and voluntary editor of the Sports Leisure Legacy Project. He was, for 5 years, voluntary editor of TCN News, the newsletter of the Consultants Network within The Tourism Society, and was a TCN committee member for many years. Joanne continues to contribute to the Legacy Project.

See News for the Legacy Project and TCN News.